Thursday, May 26, 2011

Welcome to Gilboa's Blog!

Gilboa started with creating garments for the Gentleman, men's shirts in particular.

It has now expanded its product range and is offering hats for the lady.

'Why wear a hat?' you may wonder. There are many purposes a hat can fulfill:
  • Adding accent to your attire
  • Cover for a 'bad hair' day
  • Protection against the weather
  • To make you stand out from the crowd
  • Make it your visible 'signature'

    Not long ago, it was seen as ungreaceful for a person to leave their house without a hat. And even further back in time, it was only beggars that would appear bare-headed!

    Yet the hat is the most noticed accessory to our daily attire, with so many uses and should never be neglected or forgotten.

    The purpose of a Gilboa hat is to be comfortable, practical and fun to wear.

    Get ahead - wear a Gilboa hat!